Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ultramarines Army Photoshoot

Been wanting to take some pictures of my entire space marine army for a while now. Mainly because I don't think I've ever had it all in one place at one time.

After seeing the Spear of Sicarious in the games workshop webpage I really wanted to see if my army could match that. Realizing its not a hard task to do, I finally decided to do it.

I think my army did a decent job trying to match the Spear of Sicarious:

Guess the Spear of Sicarious is more specialized and has more troops. However I bet I could take that army on any day! ;D


  1. Ah, finally able to enter comments, great :)

    First of all: I love the 101 series, very nice. Second: very nice looking army. Finally: I assume you use 2 pods for dreads, but what about the third: dread as well or does it bring something else?

  2. Oh, you couldn't enter comments earlier? Strange.

    1st. Thanks, I'll keep adding more soon.

    2nd. Its painted to table top standards, with my special models better painted. I'll probably end up painting the rest better once everything is table top quality.

    3rd. It really depends on what list I'm bringing as I tend to try out new lists most of the times. Dreadnoughts are the best choice for the drop pods with Sternguard at second choice. Anything else isn't worth drop poding, in my opinion. 3 Drop Pods due to the fact that 2 come in first turn, instead of only 1 if you have 1-2 of them.
